
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Costumes costumes

Why do I love them so?

Costumes are so much fun for me, and I evangalize to everyone! Thanks to the collection I have I get to loan out my old pieces from previous years to get everyone in the party.

So I guess I will break my secret, if you wanted to know what our costumes would be...

Brandon is going as Indiana Jones, and I am going as his companion in "Temple of Doom" Willa Scott :) Its going to be hard to sell because no one will knowwho she is, but as long as I hang around my man and he calls me "sweetheart" every now and then they should have an idea ;)

Photo of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom,  Harrison Ford, Kate Capshaw

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Busy Bee...

Well my Girl Scout plans are back in full swing and I have 3 new girls. Only one has made it to a meeting yet, but the second will start after October, and the third has a conflict with our regular meeting night so she will only be participating in things outside of that. I call her our "member at large".

I have also started a few other new things this year. I have joined some social and career networking groups. One is from my sorority affilition in college and another is the Society of Women Engineers. Both are kind of fledgeling groups in Rochester, starting up in recent years locally and trying to attract enough members to keep whatever charter agreements need to be kept with the national organization. That fact aside I am going to try not to take on any official roles even though both groups have been asking for officer volunteers.

In addition to that some women I know here at IBM Rochester get together for lunch once a month and I have been invited to attend that.

It might seem crazy to be adding these 3 things on top of an already busy schedule, but I feel I have been ignoring my career networking for far too long and even the sorority group offers opportunites for that. This basically adds 3 to 5 activities on my calendar a month and I can always choose to skip one if I am swamped at work or something.

Cheers to my career!